Wednesday, April 1, 2009


To quote a favorite “Lizism”….The once in a lifetime trip to South Africa was phenomenal! So too, is my dear friend Liz.

I have had the privilege of knowing Liz since we were three years old attending Meadowbrook Prep together and on to St. Hugh’s where she “rescued” me on my first day of high school as I stood lost and in tears. What wonderful memories we have of those formative years and what great friendships were forged!

Unfortunately, Liz and I lost touch after graduation, but imagine my surprise to answer the phone almost 30 years later and hear Liz’s voice on the other end! We spoke for hours… as though the years and geography had not separated us. In what can only be described as an act of fate, Liz moved from California a few months later to a home in the very community where I lived! The rest as they say is history.

From then on, we have been inseparable- I practically lived at Liz’s home enjoying her company and her cooking …she might be Sheryll’s cocktail in the evening, but I had her famous oxtail all the time! Many days and nights were spent laughing hysterically at her non stop humor and Steve, always the perfect host, made sure my wine glass was never empty. Even though I have moved four hours to the north, I make sure to visit often and Liz still ensures that I don’t run out of reading material.
I am also fortunate to have made friends with most of her tribe…what an honor!

Liz- thank you for “rescuing” me once again- I am so glad you came back into my life and showed me how to find balance and how to live life to the fullest. Thank you for helping me to find humor in almost any situation, no matter how dire things might seem.

Thanks for “dragging” me halfway around the world to celebrate this special milestone with you and I wish you many more healthy and happy years!

“Hakuna Matata!”

Love always,

p.s. Yes Liz….I know, I know. .”Procrastination is the thief of time” I’m sorry that I’m so late posting this, but it is as heartfelt now as it was when I started writing it a month ago.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Crazy Jamaican Becomes A Great Friend

Little did I know when a crazy Jamaican became my deskmate that she would become such a great friend, such an inspiration and someone who would still be there almost 20 years later. I have never laughed so hard, eaten so much great food, met so many wonderful people through you, or learned so much about life and how to truly live it. I would be lost without you in my life and the sun just wouldn't shine so brightly. Politics would definitely be much less colorful! I have missed living so close and meeting up for lunch, dinners, holidays or just being able to sit down and talk with you, knowing you were never too far away. I'm also grateful that you have left such a positive impression on my girls as a strong woman with a strong mind - oh, and the fact that you can be more entertaining than any TV show! I do wish I could have made that once in a lifetime trip with you to celebrate your 50th and enjoy those memories with you. But, we will definitely have more great memories to share together, I just know and can't wait to see what they will be as we get out there for the next 50!

Thanks for your friendship Lizzy - I love you and I aspire to live life to the fullest the way you do and the way you have always done!


Liz Responds To Her Tribe...


First let me thank Donnette, whose wonderful idea this was, and Audrey who learned about blogs in five minutes and took on the unenviable task of sending emails to everyone and getting them to write these wonderful words about me. I appreciate all the kind words from everyone and felt like I attended my own funeral and listened to the beautiful eulogies without dying (lol).

I know for sure that I am loved by my family and friends and for that I am eternally grateful. There is a saying in Jamaica, “show me your company and I will tell you who you are.” I am delighted to be in the company of all of you and it shows what good judgment I have (I am kidding).

I know for sure that I am a phenomenal salesperson.

I was able to convince 13 people to come along with me on this adventure. Sheryll, who had to make many accommodations in order to come but who I can depend on to be always there with me as she has done throughout my life through thick and thin; Charmaine, who did not like long plane rides and repeatedly wondered aloud to me over the last year “why couldn’t you have daydreamed about somewhere closer?”; Jean, my first Jamaican friend at work when I moved to Maryland and who was as committed to going on this trip as I was; and Jackie, who had never traveled outside of Jamaica and the United States and whose first trip was going to be a 17 hour flight to Johannesburg; Karen, who lives in Jamaica and had just come back from a trip to Asia and was game for many more hours of flying; Donnette, who had already traveled to South Africa in the 90’s but who was committed to coming, even when she lost her job (to which she was swiftly rehired) and said she would use the time to figure out what to do with the rest of her life; Kamau, who absolutely hated flying but did so without complaining and who was the only other male on the trip; Steve, who put up with my wanderlust over the years and was willing to take a leap of faith one more time and travel half way around the world for the musings of a thirteen year old; Monica who traveled all the way from Los Angeles and who attracted every male from Johannesburg to Botswana and took over 5,000 pictures; Norma, Marva and Yvonne from England who took time out of the their busy schedules with work and school and made the trip. Thanks for taking a leap of faith and I thank God that a good time was had by all.

This was the first time that I had embarked on a trip without doing extensive research about the place and in hindsight I am glad I did not. The wonderful discoveries I made in each place were not tainted by any preconceived notions and I was able to enjoy my experiences like a newborn. South Africa, a vast landscape with a rich, troubled history of oppression and then rebirth. Now I know for sure that we are bound to nature, that watching the animals in their natural habitat and seeing firsthand the law of the jungle, that not only that every animal has their place, but knows their place. Even if you are not religious, I felt spiritual when looking at Victoria Falls, gazing at it in awe and experiencing the power and wonder of it all. To go on safari and watch the lioness with her kill, the elephant, and observing the other animals lying in wait for their turn but knowing that they have to observe the law of the jungle and wait patiently until the lion is satiated, before moving in for their piece of the pie, or in this case, piece of the elephant.

What part of the trip did I enjoy most? Was it Johannesburg, as seen in the caption, a sprawling, beautiful metropolis with beautiful homes, a vibrant downtown and even more beautiful suburbs, where we stayed at the fabulous Rosebank Hotel? Was it the wonderful hospitality of Trevor and Rufus from the Rosebank Hotel? Was it Cape Town with Table Mountain and the trip to Robben Island where we saw where Mandela was imprisoned? Was it the vibrant waterfront in Cape Town where we spent every evening shopping and having great meals? Was it wine country where I watched the wine tasting and wished I drank because she made it look so good? Was it the wonder of Victoria Falls? Was it the safari? Truthfully, I cannot choose because every moment was grand in its own right and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to experience it all.

I know for sure that if you get in the habit of being happy, most of the time you will be happy. We all have problems we cannot control and sometimes life deals us some horrible blows but we can control how we look at it.

Get in the habit of being excited. It is big world with so much happening and there is no excuse to be bored. Be present and open to the moment that is unfolding before you. Ultimately life is made of small moments so don’t miss them by being lost in the past or anticipating the future. Don’t be absent from your own life and it is ultimately the collection of these memories that shape the fiber of our being.

Travel………What a wonderful world it is out there. Go to someplace you have never been. Experience meeting new people, the taste of food you have never had and walk through old buildings and experience the sense of history.

“Good friends are better than pocket money” as evidenced by my wonderful tribe. “Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget.” G. Randolf

Forgive early, kiss slowly, love wholeheartedly and laugh loudly because life may not be the party we all hoped for.

Warmest regards from Liz


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy Birthday

Well Elizabeth Owen you beautiful person. I missed the blog (Well, someone has to represent the Jamaican flag and be awfully late) so I feel it's important to share my feelings with you here. You've done great. We've come so far. You're an inspiration, a sister in the hood with a fierce intelligence, equalled only by a fierce laugh and outstanding wit that have been constant in the five decades we've known each other. Liz, I drew strength from knowing you were the only "cool girl" I knew from a "respectable" family whose parents were also divorced. No one but us knows how crazy-making that was in our day, in our circle in Jamaica at that time. And our Dads being who they were...well, please. You carried yourself like "well I'm fabulous no matter what." before I could get to adulthood and discover that truth for myself. The world and my world would be a different, bleaker place without you, Liz. I'm honored to know you and even when I don't see you as much as I'd like to, I'm feeling good and glad that you're out there. Sheryll sent me the link and the posts had me laughing and crying. They underlined that my friend is no "poppy show." Fifty isn't ready for you. Maybe 100 will be.
Love you a bunch, love you forever,
From: Constance White
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 7:35 PM
To: Owen, Elizabeth G.
Subject: RE: happy birthday

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Liz Enjoys her Birthday Party

“You Are My Coffee in the Morning and My Cocktail in the Evening”

Liz and I met under class warfare on the playground of Meadowbrook Prep School where she stood guard to make sure that St. Richard’s Primary School underprivileged children could not enjoy the privileges afforded only to prep school children.
Can you imagine several years later when through mutual friends, I came eye to eye with my childhood nemesis? There a friendship began that has weathered storms, hurricanes, wars, good times and bad times and blossomed and grew into a friendship that we each know whatever happens we can count on each other through thick and thin.
Liz is also close to my family. She is affectionately known as “Mama Liz,” a name given to her as a teenager by my father as they sat together smoking and talking on our verandah in Jamaica.
Liz is my coffee in the mornings as we talk daily on my drive to work to recap what happened in the world the night before and she is my cocktail on my drive home as we recap what happened in the world or our lives during the day.
When she goes on vacation overseas, which is often, I am left in the mornings with a headache for not having my daily caffeine of her humor and wit and withdrawal symptoms in the evening for not having my daily drink of her wisdom.
I am so happy and privileged to sit at the front of the bus (smile) and will continue to hold my seat as we embark together on our life after 50. Remember you have to keep well because you have many eulogies to give, as we are depending on you to be the last man standing.. I am so glad to be a part of your tribe and know that you are part of my tribe and I love you very much.

Love Sheryll and the rest of her tribe .

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Always late to the party, but here, nonetheless

So, I know you've been having a fabulous time there in the motherland. Been receiving first hand reports. So, so sorry I can't be with you. You know that. Hope that this will be a really memorable time for you. You deserve it.

I have always told Pamela that the singular trait that will forever endear you to me, is the passion that you've always exercised in fostering our friendship throughout the years. And I so admire that. With you, I know one simple truth: that you'll always, to your last breath, stand in defence of anyone who is deserving enough to have you call them friend. For those not so fortunate (like a certain friend of mine who until recently resided on the other side of the world) well, God help them!

You've been a sister, a confidant, stood with me throughout, whether on the mountaintop or in the valley, unflinching. I'll always remember your candor, counsel, and commitment during my California journey. You were then and will always be, family. Your embrace of Pamela and anyone I've introduced to you over the years, for that matter, has been always very meaningful.

As a fellow political traveller since Clinton's 1992 campaign (can you believe we've been at this now for 17 God-forsaken years?!) I can say, having been exposed first hand to some of the most capable political minds here in Washington, that your political instincts remain among the most awesome I've ever seen. As I've always said, the legal thing and the cooking thing are just secondary strengths. Your core capability is in the political realm. Remember ths? "Mek dem impeach him, them no know Bill. If you think him popular now, wait till dis done." Or this in January 2007, "O'Neil, I don't care how much money or big friend Hillary have, she can't beat this boy. Yes, is two years out. But watch, you'll see." And we all saw.

Anyway, you're one in a mil. Will always be. Love you a bunch!


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Living Your Dreams on Your Terms

Happy Birthday Liz,
You are doing exactly what you should be doing at this stage of your life - living your dreams on your terms - Congratulations!!!
Once again I apologize for not being able to be with you.
We all consider ourselves blessed to have you as a friend, and your loyalty and faithfulness is unquestioned.
So far everyone has mentioned these qualities. I would like to add that your ability to analyse human nature and behaviour, especially within the context of relationships is one of the things I admire most about you. Whether it is business,romance,marital,chiildren etc. this ability of yours, is without doubt one of your greatest gifts, that we all have benefitted from.
Secondly, your ability to have fun, regardless of the circumstances, has got to be what we all love most about you.
Please enjoy this time and those around you, and I look forward to our time soon.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Never ever doubt my enduring love for you Liz

Liz: I cannot believe it has been fifty years since I gave birth to you. You came into this world and filled my life with love and joy. You used to melt my heart with that special smile. You were smart, loving and bright. You were everything a mother could ask for. Not only are we mother and daughter but we are best friends also. I remember when you were in England and returned to Jamaica for that brief period before coming to the U.S. your father used to be baffled by our relationship because we used to telephone each other every day and if you were having a bad day I could always tell because I could feel it. When you came to the U.S. it was then I realized that we could even read each other's thoughts. I remember I would go into a bookstore and if I saw a book I wanted to buy I had better call you first because you would inform me that you had also bought the same book.

Even during the "terrible teen" years you were a good child. You never gave me one gray hair (probably one or two) but I never had to worry about you. You used to visit your friends a lot but would always inform me of your whereabouts. I need to say a special thank you for that. I could go to bed and sleep peacefully.

Enjoy yourself in South Africa -- have a blast for your birthday. You work hard and sometimes it is acceptable to play hard too. Sorry I could not be with you on this trip but if our lives are spared I am sure we will spend many more birthdays together. Never forget how much you mean to me and never, ever doubt my enduring love for you.
All my love.

Liz: There is Never a Dull Moment in Your Company

Happy Birthday. I know you are having a great time in South Africa as I am sure your traveling companions are, since there is never a dull moment in your company.

You deserve this rest after such a hectic campaign season. It's good to see that the President took time out of his busy schedule to wish you a happy birthday and thank you for your contribution. He even posted his sexiest picture.

It's always been a riot to be a part of your audience whether you are updating us with current events as you read your numerous daily newspapers; sharing your many letters to producers who cast babies "unappealing to the eye" or writers of Grey's Anatomy who have confused their characters. We can always rely on you to write the letters while most of us just mutter on the sidelines. Perhaps we too would write to address some of these annoyances, if only we could write with such precision, passion, and wit.

Continue to keep us all laughing and inspired to enjoy the moment.



Monday, February 16, 2009

To My Dear Sister Liz on Her 50th Birthday.

I would like to join in the celebration of my sister's 50th golden birthday along with her accomplishments in life. I am also grateful that we have had a chance to reunite our families and hopefully we can secure a long lasting relationship moving forward. Hope you enjoy yourself in South Africa and wish you many more birthdays to come. The kids send their love and birthday wishes.



Sunday, February 15, 2009

Liz Mi Dear...Continued Happiness

The thing I admire most about Liz is her effortless wit. When I hear some of the turns of phrase Liz comes up with I’m convinced she should be a writer. Listen to this classic: We’re at this party and we notice this woman who is sticking to her escort like a lizard on a wall. Hear Liz she, pointing with her mouth, “apostrophe.” I’m so slow, I don’t catch on. “What you talking bout Liz?” She laughs and says, “apostrophe, shows possession.” Mi nearly dead with laugh. I’ve shared that witticism so many times.

Then if you kept up with Liz for the roller coaster ride to Barack’s inauguration you would have heard her irreverent critiques of anyone who was getting in the way of Bam’s success. Liz was ready for them in the choicest of language. When I recently asked her how come she has such a flair for language – Jamaican, no less than English – she gleefully told me that as a child she read the entire literature catalogue of the Tom Redcam Library in Kingston from A to Z. It may even have been the entire catalogue!

I’ve enjoyed getting to know Liz through my sister Donnette. And I’m so sorry I’m not on safari with them. I really couldn’t take off two weeks in the middle of the semester. But I’m definitely there with them in spirit.

Liz mi dear, I wish you continued happiness (and quick wittedness) for the decades to come!

Carolyn Joy Cooper

One of a kind...

Know that Prince song "Friend, Lover, Sister, mother, wife? Okay, scrap lover and wife (for most of us), throw in bon vivant, political junkie, comediennne, straight talker and chef and you have Liz, the best multi-threat all-in-one friend anyone could ask for.

I met Liz in DC during the late 1980s, as one of Donette's eclectic crew. She mentioned possibly moving to California and opening a restaurant, which I promptly forgot. I moved to LA in 1990 and about a year later noticed a new restaurant on Westwood Blvd., Jamaican Café. I made a yardie style illegal U-turn and rushed in, hoping for the best but expecting mediocrity. Surprised and then elated, I inhaled the meal and was about to leave when the owner came out to ask how everything was. I recognized her--who can forget Liz?--and complimented her cooking genius. She had no idea at first who I was, unable to reconcile my neo-radical dreadlocks with the quiet upwardly mobile young man that she'd met once before. So I said the magic word--in this case Donnette!-- and gained instant entry into the tribe.

The Jamaican Café became my dining room and sometime living room, and Liz became my friend. I loved the food, but if it had not been good, I would have kept coming just to hang out. Some of my favorite LA memories revolve around the restaurant locations. And I blame her entirely for my first pot belly. I remember first meeting Steve there--in his mustachioed, pre-patois phase--after he had passed muster with the staff, and it's nice to see that same happy energy still flowing between them.

Liz is famous among her many friends for her generosity, insight, passion, wit and vibe. She inspires loyalty. She remembers the favorite dishes of her friends, and makes sure to cook them when we visit. She's a great listener and if pressed has been known to dispense advice and caution to the lovelorn, or so I hear. Me? I rely on the as yet infallible Liz-o-meter: if Liz likes her, she's a potential keeper. When I start to hear phrases like "not your speed" and "poppy show", I take the hint.

Liz is the only person for whom I have happily trafficked in Rothmans cigarettes, "mule-ing" from Jamaica. What Liz wants, Liz gets. I never leave her presence without feeling like my heart has been warmly hugged.

I hope when I'm 50 in a couple years I'll have a coterie of devoted friends willing to follow me halfway around the world to celebrate. Wish I could be there to join the party. Happy Birthday, Liz, and Mazel Tov!

whole heapa love,


Happy 50th Birthday Liz! I’m so sorry that I cannot be with you in South Africa to celebrate. I know you’ll have an amazing time, and South Africa will NEVER be the same!!! While you’re there, please don’t get talked into a diving with the sharks tour, and if you’re considering a safari – be reminded of the flea bites we received at Truck Stop and the week of incessant itching and scratching! I wish you many more years filled with good friends, travel and laughter (and some juicy issues to debate, and a few politicians to set straight. :) Thanks for including me in your tribe!